• Stacey Keating blog: Progressing at LPGA Q-School
Stacey Keating

Well I have had a busy time the last few weeks, just with a lot of travel I guess!

After Sweden my parents left for Australia which is always sad, but was great to see them of course! But it does make me miss home more, I think!

As I write this it`s almost been 6 and half months since I have set foot on Australian soil.

But for now the Lacoste French Open.

I guess it`s nice going back somewhere that you have nice memories!!

I played solid the first 3 days, but nothing special, -2,+1,-1 but to finish with +3 put me back in the field into a tie for 34th.

A little disappointing for me, but was still a great week!

Then it was back to the UK to put the final touches on the game before heading to the USA for LPGA Q-School.

This is something I am continually working for - to get to the LPGA.

This was 2nd stage, where 80 players proceed to final stage.

I played solid for the week, -1,-1,+1, +2 to finish 30th.. and advance to final stage!

I`m very pleased to get this out of the way as it’s a strange feeling playing not necessarily to win, but to just be top 80. I got the job done, so I am pleased! Now I go back to Florida early December for final stage.

Now I’m headed to china to play 2 Ladies European Tour events before heading back to Australia which I’m very excited about!

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